American Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building Communities

American Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building CommunitiesAmerican Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building Communities by Mark A. Tabbert
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is fabulous. The stories, art, and other information within it are absolutely wonderful. I think this should be the greatest coffee table book of all time, and I infact have it sitting on my tale in my living room and find myself flipping through it from time to time. I suggest every Mason, and every person interested in Masonic history get a copy of this book for their personal library, even if it is the only book they ever own.

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Better Off : Flipping the Switch on Technology (P.S.)

Better Off: Flipping the Switch on TechnologyBetter Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology by Eric Brende
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I found this book to be rather interesting. It is the story of a young man and young woman, who decide to live an alternative lifestyle for a while in a patchwork community of like-minded invdividuals ranging from Amish to those who just got fed up with technology. The stories of their trials and tribulations are entertaining... did I mention the young man is Eric, and the young woman, is a woman who is still with him to this day?

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Tunnel in the Sky

Tunnel in the SkyTunnel in the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you like Stargate, or liked Sliders, then this book is for you. A group of students set out for their final exam of sorts to prove they can survive in a, what they think to be, controlled situation. There short test quickly turns into a deadly situation where they find themselves isolated and not sure of when they'll see home again, or if they ever will. If I described the book anymore I'd really be giving away more than I wish to. All I have to say is, if you like Heinlein, like Stargate, and/or like Sliders... this book is for you.

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Forever Odd

Forever Odd (Odd Thomas, #2)Forever Odd by Dean Koontz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Forever Odd, being a sequel to the Odd Thomas which we all found entertaining, begins shortly after Odd Thomas ends. This time he is pitted against a crazy, vixen of a woman in the remains of a casino. If I go into any more detail I feel I'll spoil the book. I highl recommend this if you like Koontz and enjoyed Odd Thomas, with Brother Odd being released this fall I suggest you check Forever Odd (and Odd Thomas if you haven't had the pleasure of reading it) out so you can be awaiting Brother Odd with the rest of us.

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Odd Thomas

Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas, #1)Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Odd Thomas is a man who can see the dead that haven't passed on from this world after death. Elvis Presley is a regular deceased who visits Odd quite often. If I say much I'll really give away most of the book, all I can say is it is the best story Koontz has ever written (Well Forever Odd the sequel ties, and I imagine Brother Odd the third installment about Odd Thomas which comes out this fall will be equally as good).

If you like Koontz, and perhaps liked 6th Sense... then check this book out, but be warned... you'll want to order Forever Odd before you even finish reading Odd Thomas... and remember Brother Odd is only a few months away.

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Sophie's world: a novel about the history of philosophy

Sophie's WorldSophie's World by Jostein Gaarder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

To date I've bought 33, yes thirty-three, copies of this book. Jostein Gaarder did a great job writing it. Sophie is a young girl, who finds herself enrolling in... a correspondence course of sorts regarding philosophy... before long she finds herself in an Alice-in-Wonderland sort of aventure through her life and someone named Helga's. The book was written for a younger audience, by a childrens teacher to help them learn philosophy and to help develop a philisophical view on life. I've given a copy of this book to many many people that I know and they've all enjoyed it. I suggest reading it a few times after you purchase it. Now stop reading my review and BUY THIS BOOK!

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Weather Warfare: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature

Weather Warfare: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother NatureWeather Warfare: The Military's Plan to Draft Mother Nature by Jerry E. Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First I'll admit, I'm probably biased. I knew Jerry, he was a great man and I miss him dearly.

As with a previous book of his ( Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History & Legend ) Jerry delivered us an informative book about something a lot of people won't know too terribly much about. This book leaves the reader informed and hungry to learn more. I highly recommend it as well as his aforementioned book. What's in here is real people, don't scoff at it!

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