The Great AI Writing Duel: OpenAI's GPT-4 and Google Bard Battle for Supremacy!

I wanted to test the writing capabilities of ChatGPT using GPT-4 against Google’s Bard, the last test was my favorite but GPT-4 just consistently beats Bard in this specific use case.

"Rewrite the prologue to Romeo and Juliet to be about Coke and Pepsi"

ChatGPT using GPT-4:

Two beverages, both alike in dignity,
In fair America, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new rivalry,
Where carbonated blood makes consumers’ hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross’d drinks take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their taste bury their parents’ strife.

The fearful passage of their flavor’d love,
And the continuance of their parents’ rage,
Which, but their consumers’ end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;

The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
— ChatGPT using GPT-4


In the city of Verona, there were two rival companies, Coke and Pepsi. These companies had been feuding for years, and their rivalry had only grown more bitter. The families of the two companies were also at odds, and their children were forbidden to speak to each other.

One day, a young man named Romeo from the Coke family met a young woman named Juliet from the Pepsi family. They fell in love immediately, but they knew that their love could never be. Their families would never approve, and their rivalry would never allow them to be together.

Despite the obstacles, Romeo and Juliet continued to meet in secret. They knew that their love was forbidden, but they couldn’t help themselves. They were drawn to each other like moths to a flame.

One night, Romeo and Juliet were caught together by their families. They were furious, and they demanded that their children never see each other again. Romeo and Juliet were heartbroken, but they knew that they had to obey their parents.

The next day, Romeo and Juliet met in secret one last time. They knew that they would never see each other again, but they wanted to say goodbye. They kissed, and then they parted ways.

Romeo and Juliet never saw each other again, but their love never died. Their story is a reminder that even the most bitter of rivals can be overcome by love.
— Bard

“Rewrite When the Frost is on the Punkin by James Whitcomb Riley but set it in a dystopian near future using microplastics as a replacement for frost, change other details as necessary.“

ChatGPT using GPT-4:

When the Microplastics on the Earth are Layin’

When the microplastics on the Earth are layin’
And the haze in the sky is thick and gray,
And the roar of the engines is barely playin’
Through the smog that now blankets the break of day;
When the cityscape looms like a dreary prison,
And the drones hum overhead with a mournful sigh—
You can hear the wail of the world, like a voice that’s arisen
From the depths of despair, as it echoes on high.

When the acid rain falls and the rivers are blighted,
And the crops in the fields wither, thirsting for care;
When the children are born, in their futures short-sighted,
Never knowing the beauty that once lingered there;
When the oceans, now choked with the remnants of progress,
No longer provide us the bounty they bore—
It’s a time when the Earth seems to hold up a mirror,
Reflecting the damage our kind can’t ignore.

O, it sets my heart achin’ to witness the dyin’
Of a world that once teemed with such life and such grace,
When the wind through the trees was a melody, sighin’
And the sun kissed the land with a warm, gentle embrace;
When the frost on the punkin’ and fodder in the shock,
Were signs of the seasons, both vibrant and clear—
Now we stand on the brink, like a weathered old clock,
As the ticks of the seconds just vanish like tears.

But we mustn’t lose hope, for the future’s not written,
And the path that we walk can still change with our will;
Through the darkness that gathers, a light may be smitten,
And the world that we’ve harmed, we may yet learn to heal.
So let’s stand, hand in hand, with a courage unshaken,
As we strive to undo what our past has begot;
For the Earth is our home, and it’s not to be taken,
As we fight for the future, and cherish what’s wrought.
— ChatGPT using GPT-4


When the Microplastics are on the Pumpkin

When the microplastics are on the pumpkin,
And the frosty air is chill,
Then I dream of days gone by,
When the world was green and still.

I remember when the air was clean,
And the water was pure and blue,
And the pumpkins grew in the fields,
And the apples grew on the trees.

But now the world is different,
The air is polluted and the water is foul,
And the pumpkins are grown in factories,
And the apples are grown in greenhouses.

But still I dream of days gone by,
When the world was green and still,
And the only microplastics were in the ocean,
And the only frost was on the pumpkins.
— Bard

“Rewrite the Preamble to the Constitution if it were written during the Martian independence movement by the genetically altered humans faction known as the Barsoomians.”

ChatGPT using GPT-4:

We, the Barsoomians of Mars, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure interplanetary tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the universal welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Sovereign Republic of Mars.

Recognizing the vast and untamed Martian landscape and the unique challenges faced by our genetically altered people, we declare our independence from Earth and any terrestrial governance. We assert our right to self-determination, and to chart our own course, free from the shackles of an oppressive past.

In unity, we acknowledge the diversity of our origins and pledge to foster a society that respects and cherishes the individual rights and freedoms of all, regardless of our Earthly heritage or genetic enhancements. We dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of knowledge, innovation, and the responsible stewardship of our Martian home.

Embracing the unknown that lies before us, we embark on this grand adventure with a spirit of cooperation, courage, and unyielding determination. Together, we shall forge a new future for the Barsoomians and all inhabitants of Mars, as we reach for the stars and beyond.
— ChatGPT using GPT-4


We the genetically altered Barsoomians, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Planet Mars.
— Bard

The last will and testament of Jesus Christ

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the Messiah of all humankind, do hereby set forth my last will and testament in accordance with the beliefs and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

First and foremost, I offer my life as an atoning sacrifice for the redemption of all humanity, that through my blood, the sins of the world may be washed away, and that every soul may find salvation, exaltation, and eternal life in the presence of our Heavenly Father.

To my apostles, I bequeath the sacred duty of spreading the restored gospel to the ends of the earth, baptizing all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all the commandments I have given.

To my mother, Mary, and my earthly father, Joseph, I express my deepest gratitude for their love, care, and guidance throughout my life. May they find solace in the knowledge that their son has fulfilled the will of our Heavenly Father.

To all who follow my teachings, I leave the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide, comfort and strengthen them in their journey of faith. May they love one another as I have loved them and forgive one another as they have been forgiven.

Lastly, I entrust the care of my Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to the hands of my Heavenly Father and to the leadership of a living prophet, that they may receive ongoing revelation to guide and protect it through the ages until I come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and to usher in the eternal reign of peace and righteousness.

In witness whereof, I have set my hand and seal upon this last will and testimony, on this, the eve of my crucifixion, in the city of Jerusalem, in the land of Israel.


Signed, Jesus Christ

Title: Tremors: Cyborg Survival (Tremors 37 film treatment)

Logline: In the 37th installment of the Tremors franchise, Burt Gummer, the survivalist extraordinaire, must use his new cyborg enhancements to save his small town from a new breed of Graboids.

Act 1:

The film opens with Burt Gummer waking up in a lab, surrounded by scientists who have turned him into a cyborg. They explain to him that they had to save his life after he was attacked by a Graboid on his latest mission, and in the process, they gave him new robotic limbs and organs. At first, Burt is skeptical of his new abilities, but as he tests them out, he realizes that they will come in handy for his line of work.

Act 2:

Burt returns to his small town, only to discover that the Graboids have returned, but this time, they are even more powerful and destructive. With the help of his trusty team, including his son and daughter-in-law, Burt must use his cyborg enhancements to outsmart the new breed of Graboids and save the town.

Act 3:

As the Graboids continue to wreak havoc on the town, Burt and his team come up with a plan to lure them away from the town and into a trap. Burt uses his cyborg strength to dig deep trenches, while his team sets up explosives to kill the Graboids. In a final showdown, Burt faces off against the Graboid queen, using his new cyborg weapons to take her down.


After successfully defeating the Graboids, Burt returns to the lab where he was turned into a cyborg. The scientists tell him that they have upgraded his enhancements even further, and that he is now the ultimate weapon in the fight against monsters like the Graboids. Burt smiles, knowing that he is ready for whatever comes his way in the future.

Bluejeans' Justice (film treatment starring Jeremy Jones)

Title: "Bluejeans' Justice"

Logline: After witnessing a crime, a struggling actor turned startup consultant becomes a vigilante to take down a dangerous gang, and discovers that his true calling may be fighting for justice.

Synopsis: Jeremy Jones plays the lead role of "Bluejeans", a struggling actor turned startup consultant who witnesses a violent crime while working on a project for a wealthy client. When the police fail to bring the criminals to justice, Bluejeans decides to take matters into his own hands and becomes a vigilante.

As he begins to investigate the gang responsible for the crime, Bluejeans discovers that they are involved in a much larger criminal enterprise that reaches far beyond his small town. With the help of his friend and former bodyguard, played by a yet-to-be-cast actor, Bluejeans sets out to take down the gang and bring them to justice.

Along the way, Bluejeans must navigate the dangerous world of organized crime, with high-speed chases, daring heists, and intense fight scenes. As he becomes more entrenched in his vigilante persona, he also struggles with the consequences of his actions and the toll it takes on his personal life.

The climax of the film takes place in a high-stakes showdown between Bluejeans and the leader of the gang, played by a yet-to-be-cast actor. In the end, Bluejeans must choose between his desire for justice and his own safety and happiness.

"Bluejeans' Justice" is a thrilling action film that showcases Jeremy Jones' talents as an actor and producer, with a focus on his character's journey of self-discovery and redemption. With a compelling script and intense action sequences, this film is sure to captivate audiences and establish Jeremy Jones as a rising star in Hollywood.

The Next Mrs. Jones (film treatment starring Caroline Boulton)

Title: "The Next Mrs. Jones"

Logline: After being left at the altar, a successful businesswoman teams up with a down-on-his-luck divorce lawyer to take revenge on her ex-fiancé and learns that true love can come from unexpected places.

Synopsis: Caroline Boulton plays the lead role of Emily Jones, a successful businesswoman who seems to have everything she could want: a great job, a beautiful apartment, and a handsome fiancé. However, when her fiancé leaves her at the altar, Emily is left reeling and questioning everything she thought she knew about love and relationships.

Determined to get revenge on her ex-fiancé and prove that she doesn't need a man to be happy, Emily decides to hire a divorce lawyer to help her take him for all he's worth. She ends up teaming up with the charming but struggling lawyer, played by a yet-to-be-cast male lead.

As they work together to build their case, Emily and her lawyer begin to develop a connection that goes beyond just their professional relationship. However, as they get closer, they realize that their revenge plot may have unintended consequences, and that true love can come from unexpected places.

The climax of the film takes place in the courtroom, where Emily and her lawyer face off against her ex-fiancé and his high-powered legal team. Along the way, they must navigate complicated legal proceedings, unexpected twists and turns, and their growing feelings for each other.

"The Next Mrs. Jones" is a romantic comedy that showcases Caroline Boulton's talents as a leading lady, with a strong focus on her character's journey of self-discovery and empowerment. With a witty and engaging script, and a fresh take on the classic revenge plot, this film is sure to be a hit with audiences looking for a fun and heartwarming romantic comedy.

Another Night at the Roxbury (film treatment)

Title: "Another Night at the Roxbury"

Logline: The Butabi brothers return to the Roxbury nightclub, now struggling to keep up with modern nightlife trends, and find themselves embroiled in a new series of misadventures.

Synopsis: In "Another Night at the Roxbury," we catch up with the Butabi brothers, Steve and Doug, several years after the events of the original film. Despite their previous success at the Roxbury nightclub, the brothers have fallen out of touch with the modern nightclub scene and are struggling to stay relevant.

When the Roxbury nightclub is threatened with closure due to declining attendance and increased competition from newer, trendier clubs, the Butabi brothers see an opportunity to relive their glory days and save their favorite hangout spot.

As they try to navigate the ever-changing world of nightclub culture, the brothers find themselves in a series of new misadventures, including run-ins with a rival nightclub owner and a hilarious case of mistaken identity involving a wealthy socialite.

Through their antics, the brothers discover that the key to success is not just keeping up with the latest trends, but staying true to their own unique style and sense of humor. Along the way, they also learn important lessons about the value of friendship and loyalty, as they reconnect with old friends and make new ones in their quest to save the Roxbury.

The climax of the film takes place at a major nightclub competition, where the Butabi brothers and their team of misfits must go up against the biggest names in the industry to win the grand prize and save the Roxbury once and for all.

"Another Night at the Roxbury" is a hilarious and nostalgic film that will appeal to fans of the original, while also introducing a new generation to the iconic characters of Steve and Doug Butabi. With a fresh take on the nightclub scene and a focus on the importance of staying true to oneself, this film is sure to be a hit with audiences of all ages.

Hackers: The Next Generation (Hackers sequel film treatment)

Title: "Hackers: The Next Generation"

Logline: The daughter of Kate Libby and Dade Murphy, along with the children of the other primary characters, continue the legacy of hacking and cyber activism as they navigate the challenges of the modern digital landscape.

Synopsis: In "Hackers: The Next Generation," we catch up with the children of the original characters from the 1995 film. Our main protagonist is the daughter of Kate Libby and Dade Murphy, who has grown up with an innate talent for hacking and a strong sense of justice.

As she begins to explore the digital landscape and its potential for activism, she discovers that her parents' legacy is still very much alive. Along with the children of other primary characters from the original film, including Joey, Phantom Phreak, and Razor, she becomes part of a new generation of hackers who are determined to make a difference in the world.

Their mission takes them on a journey through the dark corners of the internet, where they encounter new threats and challenges that were unimaginable in the early days of hacking. Along the way, they must navigate complex relationships and alliances, as well as the temptation of using their skills for personal gain.

The climax of the film takes place at a high-stakes hacktivist event, where the next generation of hackers must band together to take down a corrupt corporation and protect the internet from further exploitation. In the process, they learn important lessons about the power of collaboration and the importance of using their skills for good.

"Hackers: The Next Generation" is a thrilling and timely film that explores the evolving world of hacking and cyber activism, while also paying homage to the original film's themes of friendship, rebellion, and the pursuit of justice. With a new cast of characters and fresh perspective on the digital landscape, this film is sure to captivate audiences and inspire a new generation of hackers.

Back to the Prophet (film treatment)

Title: "Back to the Prophet"

Logline: Joseph Smith is rescued by Doc Brown and brought to the future to save Marty from Biff, but a time-traveling Rick Sanchez and Morty try to interfere with their own mission.

Synopsis: Joseph Smith is imprisoned at the Carthage jail and facing certain death. Just as he is about to be killed, Doc Brown arrives in his DeLorean time machine and pulls Joseph into the future, where he explains the situation to him. Marty McFly is in danger of being killed by Biff Tannen, who has taken control of the timeline.

Joseph is hesitant to get involved in the situation, but Doc convinces him that the fate of the future is at stake. Together, they set out to save Marty and restore the timeline to its rightful course.

However, their mission is complicated by the appearance of Rick Sanchez and Morty, who have their own mission to complete. Rick is in possession of a powerful device that he believes can help them complete their mission, but he is reluctant to share it with Doc and Joseph.

As they navigate through time and space, they encounter several challenges and obstacles, including encounters with historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Albert Einstein. Along the way, they also learn more about each other's backgrounds and motivations, leading to unexpected alliances and rivalries.

The climax of the film takes place at a critical moment in history, where Marty is in mortal danger and the fate of the future hangs in the balance. Joseph, Doc, Rick, and Morty must work together to save Marty and defeat Biff, while also trying to protect the timeline from further disruption.

In the end, the group succeeds in their mission, but not without enduring significant challenges and losses along the way. The film concludes with Joseph returning to his own time, with a newfound respect for the power of time travel and the importance of protecting the future.

"Back to the Prophet" is an action-packed and humorous time-travel adventure that combines the worlds of "Back to the Future" and "Rick and Morty," while also introducing the historical figure of Joseph Smith to a new generation of viewers.