Superhero-Costumed 'To Troll a Predator' Teens Admonished by Police

We all had a great laugh at the activities of some Canadian teenagers who took it upon themselves to pwn some alleged pedophiles by posing online as underage girls, arranging rendezvous and showing up dressed as Batman to taunt them within an inch of their allegedly perverted lives. However, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were less enthusiastic about this distinctly dramatic form of justice/trolling, saying it could be much more dangerous than the teens understood.

"I don't think they really realized the scope of this and what the consequences could have been," RCMP Cpl. Tammy Hollingsworth told The Huffington Post.

According to a CTV News report, when Chilliwack, British Columbia police got wind of what the trolling teens were up to, they stepped in to scare them straight.

RCMP Cpl. Matt Van Laer said the teenagers had no way of predicting how their targets would react, including how willing potential predators might be to target real victims -- not just the fake ones they were supposed to be meeting with.

"If they (predators) go to the wrong park, or if they go to the wrong meeting zone, and/or they are in a state of arousal of some sort, they might decide to act on another child, completely unrelated," he told CTV British Columbia.


Read more about it HERE


And check out some video on it on youtube by searching "To Troll a Predator" here is one video