Today in space

New Mars rover snapshots capture Endeavour crater vistas

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Hubble to target 'hot jupiters'

An international team of astronomers led by a former UA graduate student has set out on the largest program to date exploring the alien atmospheres of "Hot Jupiters" - massive planets in solar systems far away from our own.

See the article HERE

Galaxies are running out of gas: study

A new study has shown why the lights are going out in the Universe.The Universe forms fewer stars than it used to, and a CSIRO study has now shown why - the galaxies are running out of gas.

See the article HERE

Astronomers find ice and possibly methane on Snow White, a distant dwarf planet

Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered that the dwarf planet 2007 OR10—nicknamed Snow White—is an icy world, with about half its surface covered in water ice that once flowed from ancient, slush-spewing volcanoes. The new findings also suggest that the red-tinged dwarf planet may be covered in a thin layer of methane, the remnants of an atmosphere that's slowly being lost into space.

See the article HERE


It's alive! Space station's humanoid robot awake

NASA's humanoid robot has finally awakened in space.Ground controllers turned Robonaut on Monday for the first time since it was delivered to the International Space Station in February. The test involved sending power to all of Robonaut's systems. The robot was not commanded to move; that will happen next week.

See the article HERE