Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While this text is quite informative for those that haven't read the bible cover to cover... it is pretty lacking on anything 'shocking', 'astounding', or 'facts you've never been told'.
Would make a great gift though for young-adults to spark an interest in the bible, or anyone for that matter. Would also be a great gift for people that make a lot of assumptions and assume things in movies and Christmas songs MUST be in the bible... might open their eyes. However, for anyone with at least an elementary understanding of the contents of the books in the Bible, won't bring much new to the table.
Joe Kovacs did a great job writing the text however, and even if you consider yourself an armchair expert (or an actual expert) on the Bible, it will still prove to be an entertaining read.
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