Empire of the Gods

Empire of the GodsEmpire of the Gods by David Stag
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An absolutely great book. As a previous reviewer said, this book is wonderful for a first time author. One can tell that a great deal of passion went into crafting this story, you truly can tell Stag appreciates good sci-fi and wanted to make his mark on the genre.

Upon first reading about the book I was hoping to be in for something along the lines of Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Peter F. Hamilton... something good that I could really get into and find myself falling for the characters. Well, this book did just that... Linus is a character that almost anyone could relate to, he's a scared young man in an overwhelming situation.

I don't particularly want to go into any details as I'm not a fan of spoilers, be they unintentional or not so just take my word for it and read this if you like any of the authors I previously mentioned. I truly hope this author continues to write as I want to see far more from his mind.

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Bill Smith Goes to College

Bill Smith Goes to CollegeBill Smith Goes to College by David Stag
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book starts with a kid arriving to college for his first classes as a freshman, he quickly gets shock after shock of strange and curious things that are the college life. I'd say the book was outlandish and unbelievable but in fact just about every thing in it is par for the course at a typical public college from the dorm arrangement to the nonsensical bureaucratic machine that is the higher learning institution. Not a long read but left me smirking a time or two.

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