I Want to Hold Your Hand

Oh yeah, I´ll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh, please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
and please, say to me

You'll let me hold your hand
Now let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy, inside
It's such a feeling
That my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah you, got that something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your ha-a-a-a-a-a-and

Glee Live Tour

First let me say, I'm not going to write this up like a proper article. I couldn't tweet, facebook, or blog while there as I could NOT get a data connection, and was without even a voice connection a good 70% of the time... so I just took notes as the show went on in my notepad on my phone... I'm just straight copy pasting the notes, if you don't like it tough. I feel the experience will be better captured this way, even though it's not a properly written posts.

It was an absolutely AWESOME show, I'm very glad my friend bought me a ticket, I only wish I had known about the concert earlier than 2 weeks ago, and I could have gotten myself much better tickets if I'd only had the time to set aside the funds from my last overtime check. Now, ladies and genetlemen, boys and girls, on to my notes on the show.


Break dancing and playing weird music like from original Tron...

They look like ants. I don't even know who is male and who is female haha

30-40% of the seats in every price range are empty

Seat is scary as hell, on a cliff

So much jailbait though. Im afraid to look anywhere

Beer, they have beer ahhhhh good

First 15 minutes and no singing

Played a clip from Friday and was half boos half cheers.

Curtain down everything on a built up catwalk so far.

Opener comes out. LXD I believe.  Some of the male cast are doing
several ballet moves while A girl  is in a dress doing more of
salsa. This is all to a pop song that almost sounds like 90's savage
garden but more bass

Put on a happy face, sounds like dick van dyke not glee
cast, in fact almost positive it is

 "turn up" or "turn on the lights"... Can't understand words -: bass
is about 5000% louder than it should be and it's a recording. Girl in mini skirt dress shirt
and vest. Just totally saw panties, not spanks, panties from 100+ yards.

These kids have endurance. A lot. Opener after 3 songs bowed and
house lights came on. Only 6 people were on stage. They mentioned LXD
an online series and now stage hands are striking the catwalk's black
for white tile.

Tweens an teens here dressed in clothes so skimpy Paris Hilton would
blush at. The modest ones all have black white and gray flannel or the
pastel flannel... stupid emo kids.

Dual high school logos on curtain via spotlight. Seats have filled out
considerably during opener and this... intermission which is now
approaching 30 minutes. Can't keep a signal phone or data go from no
signal to 5 bars to no signal. They have played the glee chevy
commercial like a dozen times, getting old.  Handicapped fellow being
fed by his sister, makes me sad and reminds me how fortunate I am also
shows me a wonderful and strong woman that sacrifices to help.

Lost 3 songs of notes. Brittany talking to damn video screen.
Fledgling Britney, fourth song... OMG female outfits are skimpy and
yummy doing a Britney song "I'm A Slave 4 U"

Fifth song still going good. Foot randomly tapping on own. Goofy grin.
Puck is on a stage at back of floor audience on the mini stage with guitar. Can see
whites of his eyes. Cast now parading through ground audience, lame. Fat Bottomed Girls

Sixth Kurt is beautifully singing hold your hand as a solo. He's touching fans, physically.

Seventh song I don't know. Slow, soul music type song. Jazzy hints
absolutely can't understand a word as vocal channel is too high for
range. My inner ears actually ache.

Song eight Michael Jackson... With the gold shiny jackets and everything! P.Y.T. {Pretty Young Thing)

Song nine they come out in their weakness t-shirts. Naya is divine.
Born this way, Gaga.

Rachel in her black and white polka dot dress. Gods I love this
concert.  Baby your a firestorm come on and show the world... Firework.

Song 11... Dalton Academy singing via the small stage in the pit...
Teenage dream. Those jackets are soooo boring.

Song 12... Warblers again don't know the song and can't make out
lyrics from idiots screeching/screaming sounds like w mix between
Savage Garden and Michael Jackson. They moved to main stage. Silly Love Songs?

For number 13, Warblers Raise Your Glass

For 14 back to Vocal Adrenalin in the classroom "forget your troubles"
"come on be happy" Happy days Are Here Again.

15 Lucky

16 yummy some Cheerios outfits but not on Santana, Naya has a green
dress and pink vest. Lots of booty shaking "I love you baby" I wish
Naya, I wish. Rive Deep, Mountain High.

Britt is telling a story about confessing her love for Kurt on last
years show... just asked the ONLY other gay guy of he wants to make
out. *facepalm* Kurt comes out "Brittany are you flirting with muh
man" Kurt just told him this is the perfect place to propose then
asked him to join Vocal Adrenalin.  Finn doing Jessie's girl.

Santana *drool* awesome moves by everyone. Don't Rain On My Parade

19, can't make out a single word... Don't recognize the music... My
ears are taking a beating. "superstar" "see you when you wash my
car"... They all tossed streamers out to audience. Loser Like Me.

20, single lady, to say bootie shorts insane UNDERSTATEMENT.

21, guys are thanking us for coming out and playing guitar... Friday.
Singing Friday. Shoot me. Shoot me now.

22nd song is SAFETY DANCE!!! I died and went to heaven, none of these idiot kids know the words and are looking around confused.

Bleh 23 is that annoying New York song.

24 that terribly annoying Somebody To Love... shower of sparks and
lots and lots of confetti. I mean LOTS.