Secrets of the Holy Lance: The Spear of Destiny in History & Legend

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Much of the stuff covered in this book I've heard briefly mentioned in various other places. It was nice to see it all put into one place and elaborated on. Mr Smith personally responded to some emails of mine I had when I had a few questions about the book... that is impressive, most authors are nearly impossible to contact, and even if you manage to find a way to contact them they don't want to answer your questions, especially when they are authors of books similiar to this one.
I wish the book would have been a bit longer but it was still a superb read... I have to admit, now I want to steal the spear for my own plans of world domination, but that probably isn't smart. Mr. Smith needs to pump out more books on this topic as now he's got me, hook... line... and sinker. This is a great book, but don't take my word on it (sorry reading rainbow) so check it out for yourself. Mr. Smith needs to write more on this subject, as he's got me hook... line... and sinker.
I miss you Jerry, hope the afterlife is treating you well my friend!
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