Two months in at my new job at TrueNorth

I worked for a FedEx opco for 15 and a half years, 2 months ago yesterday I took a leap of faith and started my first day at TrueNorth, a company that is trying to bring semi-truck (I’m still trying to get “tractor” to stick in my head) drivers into the 21st century by offering various services that make the life of a trucker so much easier by moving things from a world of faxing paperwork to just using an app to confirm deliveries and get money into the hands of the drivers quicker.

You know, the idea was enough to get my interest and I wrote a blog post that I would later learn in the company Slack that put me on the radar of several people in the company that assumed I was an interested owner-operator. I didn’t think I’d quit my job to go work there, I was just writing about another Y Combinator company that caught my interest. I’ve found Y Combinator to be fascinating for many years now, it made the meteoric rise of a friend possible, I visited the San Francisco offices several years ago when I was in town visiting that friend, I did some consultation in an advisory capacity for YC Research (now OpenResearch), and I check the YC forum, Hacker News, most mornings before I even check Reddit.

I had such a good breakfast that morning just before I popped over to the Y Combinator offices in San Francisco. Oh man. So good.

My friend introduced me to co-founder Jin Stedge about a week before the Series B was public and I just assumed nothing would come of it but as with every introduction he has made I went with it and we exchanged several emails. Little did I know a few months later I would be accepting an offer to go to work for TrueNorth and quitting my decade and a half job at a global giant to go to work for a barely 2-year-old startup.

I had no clue what to expect. Here I had been working at a draconian corporate behemoth of yesteryear, piloted by men in their 60s, 70s, and even 80s, that seemed completely allergic to any sort of technological advancement, I mean when I started at my previous employer in 2006 I still had to access my email in a terminal shell…

I’ve been working, legally, since I was 12 years old. I started by delivering papers for 3 cents per with my childhood friend Dani. We both got routes and we’d walk them together, each taking a side of the street. I’ve dug graves, I’ve tossed trucks, I’ve been a government contractor, I cleared international freight through Customs for a decade and a half. I brought home money and was able to pay my bills but never once in those 25 years of work, did I ever look forward to going to work - even when we transitioned to work from home the last 2 years at my previous employer. Work was just some necessary evil, I had to wake up and grind out my day of work so I could get paid

Work was just a necessary evil. Something I had to spend as many as 70 hours a week the past year and change doing. Something I did not look forward to, something I did not like, something I would just try to get through so I could enjoy a little free time doing literally anything else.

TrueNorth is different. I wake up and genuinely look forward to working. I wonder what improvements I’ll make to the product that day, or how I might be able to help a coworker, I wonder what laughs will be had in my meetings for the day.

In the past week alone I’ve had 7 people thank me for work I’ve done, that never happened once at my last employer. In the past week, I’ve been publicly thanked once in our all-hands meeting, and another time in a most-hands meeting. I’m given a lot of autonomy to get my work done, I feel confident doing something without having to tiptoe around asking for permission, and I’m treated like an actual adult capable of rational and independent thought. I’m sure this is largely just the startup world.

I hate when people make some post “ermagerd, I lurv my job, come work here, we r family, omgomgomg much great!” as they are usually saccharinely-sweet, butt-kissing, bull hockey that is little more than self-serving “look at me, promote me, I’m guzzling the koolaid for you!” and that’s 100% not what that is. If TrueNorth told me they didn’t need me anymore I’d be bummed but I’d harbor no ill-will, I’d still be championing the company because I think what they are doing is neat, and clearly, people a lot smarter than me do too based on the aforementioned Series B round. TN is a good company with a great plan.

I enjoy the work, I enjoy the level of trust I am given, I absolutely love the people I work with, and uncharacteristically find myself smiling all the time in Zoom meetings. For that matter I’ll just randomly find myself smiling while working and it’s because for the first time in my life I am truly happy about my job and my career opportunities. I can 100% see myself giving TN 10, 20, 30 years if things stay even 60% the way they are now.

We get a lot of work done, but we also have fun. Several weeks ago in a little ‘fun’ meeting we made a Disney character battle bracket where Mulan of all characters emerged champion supreme. That was the goofiest 20~ minutes I have ever experienced at a job but at the same time it provided us all a quick mental break from our work and let us learn a little more about each other. A dozen times more effective, in my eyes anyway, as a team-building experience than any nonsensical roleplaying tomfoolery I experienced at any previous job.

From the top-down, it’s a great company. Jin can be extremely serious but at the same time exudes this almost motherly, or even grandmotherly, vibe that stays positive. From my limited interaction with Sanjaya, he’s jovial, he’s caring, but at the same time, you see in just a few minutes of a meeting that he’s incredibly sharp and churning away at work, at every level below them we have absolutely wonderful people that give it their all. We have people from all kinds of backgrounds coming together to build this patchwork of expertise. We have a painter, someone that worked on JWST, former truckers and industry experts, quirky lawyers, woodworkers, at least two AFOLs (I must resist the urge to fall back down my Lego addiction), just so many diverse people. Even some of our drivers, which are starting to be featured on the Let It Ride with TrueNorth podcast, are wonderfully delightful characters that I could listen to for hundreds of hours.

This has already waxed far longer than I intended, but I get like that when it comes to things I am genuinely interested in

Thank you S. for making the introduction, thank you Jinn and Alex for being interested in what I might bring to the table. Thank you, Arturo, Austin, Oleg, and Sayeed for interviewing me and deciding you thought I was worth working with. And thank you again Arturo for all those daily meetings at first when you got me up to speed with all of our data, for the patience and effective teaching to get me to the point where I felt component enough to get work done without constantly asking questions and getting me through that full-blown imposter syndrome that had me terrified the first few weeks.

Well, it’s 7:06 AM as I bring this to a close, I suppose I should get downstairs and get on my BikeErg to get my morning started so I can start getting some actual work done.

TrueNorth Transportation Co - putting more money in the pockets of truckers

Occasionally a company that Y Combinator funded catches my eye, in the past it has mostly been food-related with the occasional SaaS company, but this time it is a trucking company - TrueNorth

TrueNorth Transportation

TrueNorth: Profits to truckers

First, let me preface this by saying I have 15 and a half years of experience in international freight. I clear international freight through Customs and any other applicable agencies. My specific facet of the industry relies on airplanes and what we move via air is just a drop in the bucket of what gets moved by semis. A lot of that stuff you see coming in on cargo ships, yeah, at some point in the delivery chain that ends up being driven by a semi-driver. Break 1-9 for a radio check, something like 72.5% of the nation’s freight by weight is moved by truck.

I think this company is awesome. The trucking industry is full of predatory practices that are all about maximizing profits for companies and not for the backbone of America, CDL truck drivers. You see, the trucking industry is a 700 billion dollar industry in the United States and is only growing. So, what exactly does TrueNorth do? Well, in their owns simple words they help increase “profits to truckers”.

Wait, what do you mean Ryan? Basically, they make the life of drivers easier. building a new operating system for trucking carriers, they've started by building a trucking carrier themselves that consists of roughly 200 owner-operators under their MC. In Nathan Lowell’s science fiction series Trader’s Tales crews of space-based freighters can book loads via a single software platform (maybe someday Ishmael and his peers will use TrueNorth to book freight for their fleets as they work the trade routes in the deep dark!), lining up their loads and handling the bulk of the paperwork from their ship tablets - TrueNorth is doing something analogous to this - TrueNorth's software allows drivers to find and book their next load, plan an efficient route, manage customers they are serving, and most importantly get paid and get paid promptly instead of needing to hound companies to pay their invoices.

Instead of going “there isn’t a problem, let’s make software just to complicate things while we try and make bank off of subscrptions” they’ve gone and realized that the truck driving industry still relies heavily on phone calls and physical paperwork to get things done and they’ve begun building a platform that allows this industry to come from the mid 20th century, screaming past the late 20th century, and into the 21st century. They simplify the work truckers have to do, they get better insurance rates through group buying saving drivers money, they get drivers paid quicker and easier, and who knows what the future will bring from their platform. TrueNorth Transportation is doing something that should have been done ages ago.

This week TrueNorth Transportation hit it out of the park with their Series B bringing in a cool $50 million in funding to grow their operations. They’re operating in a fraction of the country and, from external reporting, appear to already have a very healthy revenue so this is probably going to let them scale as fast as they comfortably can and can start saving more and more drivers from predatory practices and companies that have the lion’s share of the industry.

There is a truck driver shortage right now, and it’s mostly because of compensation. TrueNorth exists to make drivers more profit and to make their work-life just a little bit easier. That’s awesome. Not only is it awesome but it’s refreshingly different in a traditionally predatory industry. Bravo Zulu Jin Stedge and Sanjaya Wijeratne, you are good people.

Update February 4th, 2022

Just wanted to give full disclosure. I liked what I saw so much with TrueNorth that I have accepted a job offer with them as a Data Structure & Quality Specialist!

Update March 11th, 2022

TrueNorth now has a podcast called Let It Ride with TrueNorth! The first episode is a pretty great discussion with two of TrueNorth’s earliest owner-operator drivers Jasen and Lee.

Wren, Medieval Indulgence and YOUR Carbon Footprint

So, there's this startup called Wren, they are effectively a subscription service where you pay them a monthly fee (which they immediately pocket 20% of per their FAQ) and then attempt to offset your carbon footprint. Most people will immediately think "hey that's awesome, sign me up" but whoa whoa whoa, pump the brakes there.

I saw someone liken this to the Catholic Indulgence of the Middle Ages, you would sin, and the Catholic Church would tell you how many coins to toss in the coffers to make everyone good with God to avoid temporal punishment. This is how I see Wren.

As I told two of their champions recently when they tweeted/retweeted the company to try and drive awareness to it for the three founders

"Planting trees isn't even a bandaid; it's like cutting your arm off and then gently blowing in the gaping wound. To offset our current CO2 production, you need to add more than 31 million square miles, nearly 16% of the earth's land, of new forest, assuming a healthy density of 40-60 trees per acre."

The figure above is conservative. Add to that the fact we're losing forest at an estimated 28,125 square miles annually... do you realize how many customers you'll have to get to even combat 28,125 square miles annually? The best trees can manage about 48lbs of CO2 per year, and healthy forest is 40-60 trees per acre, that means you're going to need to plant a billion-plus tree a year to even hope to combat current forest loss. A BILLION trees... and I'm not talking twigs, I'm talking 10ft+ trees, in healthy soil, with robust fungal networks (the fungi that work in symbiosis with trees aid considerably in the carbon sequestration and overall tree health).

Seriously, do the math. Don't take my word for it.

I honestly have no idea why Y Combinator selected this company and chose to fund it. Perhaps the 20% off the top of every subscription and banking on the fact that people will feel guilty about climate change and happily fork over money on a subscription model.

In an exchange on the website Hacker News, a site owned and run by the tech accelerator that invested in Wren, some future methods for lowering carbon footprint where mentioned… specifically, one of the founders pointed me to the Project Drawdown (not related to Wren) website.

Well, let's take a look at some of Project Drawdown's ideas (although why would I pay Wren to pocket 20% when I could give Project Drawdown 100%…):

  • Electric bikes (going to be powered by, fossil fuels mostly)

  • - Electric cars (going to be powered by, fossil fuels largely, and will remain cost-prohibitive for 95% of the world's population, if not more)

  • Mass transit takes years or decades to roll out, when funding can even be secured, and all zoning challenges can be met

  • Alternative cement, this will be great if someone can make a breakthrough, but there has been next to zero progress made on anything that is remotely feasible or even scalable

  • Bioplastic, while this takes petrochemicals out of the equation, it is still pretty energy demanding and is still not good for the environment, biodegradable does not inherently mean safe.

  • Recycled paper, or how about doing away with paper as much as possible instead of making recycled paper that requires obscene amounts of toxic chemicals. Why not get legislation passed to outlaw mass mailing, do you know how much mail I throw away each week that is advertisements and solicitations that I never even look at?

  • Industrial recycling, aside from aluminium and CLEANED glass recycling is mostly a farce. Don't believe me, do your homework, planet money even had an episode on this recently. Plastic is mostly just taken to landfills, even when sent to recycling because unless it is cleaned, it is considered contaminated. In years past, China would happily take this but will no longer buy it to recycle it because of a loss of cheap labor and the pollution recycling it causes.

  • Autonomous vehicles, multinational companies are having trouble with this and even if they do pass it you likely have years of legal hurdles to get them legal and a decade or more to get people to begin to accept and adopt them in numbers sufficient enough to make them more efficient than human driving as you'll have to remove the bulk of human drivers from the road.

  • Building with wood is already happening, but it adds considerable cost and still has significant height limits, which still require more land to be turned from green spaces to tarmac and building. Not to mention this wood isn't always sustainably farmed.

  • Direct air capture is almost certainly never going to happen, barring multiple miraculous inventions. The closest person to doing this is Dr. Klaus Lackner, and even his research has it not being viable, even if you capture in a method like his (a polymer that you then 'wash' the material you still have to sequester it somehow).

  • Hyperloop, pure fantasy. This will never happen for traveling vast distances. Traveling large distances is one of the problems anyway. Commercial aviation fuel usage has gone up 33% in 9 years.

  • Refrigerant management, this will help with new appliances but the billion-plus refrigeration/freezer units out there already...

  • Industrial hemp will just require more land to be planted as farmland won't be sacrificed it, and cotton will be farmed until at least the current generation of farmers dies, farmers don't like change.

  • Living buildings, they look great in concept art but aren't practical and won't have any meaningful impact. They'll likely take decades just to offset the CO2 emissions from manufacturing the concrete that went into the building's foundations.

  • Ocean farming and marine permaculture, coastal waters absolutely need kelp and seaweed 'forests' re-established. There are some women in/around the Bay Area working on this - Tessa Emmer, Catherine O'Hare, and Avery Resor. What they are doing needs to be done up and down every last square mile of water with proper depth in the entire world.

  • Smart grids, if you mean in the United States good luck. This isn't something you are going to be able to have any influence on whatsoever. You'll have to get every single power company in the United States and Canada to voluntarily replace perfectly functioning, costly equipment over a decade or more, and even if you did, they'd pass the cost on to the customer.

  • Solid-state wave energy, at any scale this is likely to have any number of unforeseen consequences for marine life (probably sound-induced stress for starters) and be quite costly due to the corrosive nature of oceans.

I suspect, based on personal experience, that the vast majority of human beings haven't put 1 minute of thought into global warming, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if there were billions of human beings walking around today that have never even heard of global warming or climate change, aside from noticing each year getting hotter and hotter and weather getting a little more extreme.

We don't need startups taking a 20% vig via a subscription service for a feel-good "I did my part by giving money" company. We need to present the facts, as unbiased as possible, to the masses and get people to start questioning the topic. We need people to start going, "Oh, wow, we did that?" we need them to start thinking, "well, how can I minimize my impact myself?".

More than a third of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day. Do you think that 2.5 billion people can afford to scrape together even $2 a month to offset the CO2 from their cooking?

The median annual household income worldwide is $9,733, do you think that families can afford to pay $10-20 a head worldwide? Do you believe that 1/3 of the world's population can realistically afford that? Do you think by the time that Wren backs out 20%, then the non-profits/NGOs/companies they turn around and give the money to backs out their operating costs, that that amount of money (probably 50% or less of the original contribution) will make even a 10% reduction in last year's CO2 emissions and that it will not only be able to keep pace with the increase, but also continue to increase to the point of getting us not just carbon neutral, but removing 10+ gigatons more than we produce each year to try and restore us to levels of even the 1980s in any reasonable amount of time?

I don't. I think this company is just going to be away for those individuals with a little disposable income, that believe in climate change and feel guilty about driving their car and flying everywhere for vacations, to buy themselves a little 'feel good' or a little peace of mind. Most will probably think they're actually making a difference and that all will be fine.

Even if Wren manages to generate 5 billion dollars a month, and ends passing 4.95 billion down the chain (instead of pocket 1 billion as per the 20% in their FAQ), it's unlikely to even result in sequestering 10% of last year's levels annually. Seriously, run the numbers yourself, everyone that's going to downvote this comment like you are my others, RUN THE NUMBERS, please. You'll see that this isn't going to be the solution, nor is it likely to lead to one. It is the wrong approach to the problem as is.

This is Silicon Valley being clueless and/or overly optimistic as usual with these sorts of markets/challenges, just like YC wanting to turn half of the Sahara into shallow algal pools (which would result in the rainforest losing massive amounts of fertilization and cause a potentially catastrophic change in global weather patterns, not to mention such a project would require more electricity than the plant currently produces).

So, what do we do?

The giving pledge has more than a trillion dollars pledged as of right now, certainly at least one of those individuals or couples has an interest in climate change. With an incredibly small amount of that trillion dollars of pledges, we could gather data and educate people.

- Ask a healthy sampling of random people if they know what global warming is, do they believe in it, have they seen signs of it, is it affecting their life (talk to farmers, ranchers, amusement park operators and owners of tourist destinations, wildfire firefighters, etc. as well as random people).

Then find out what misconceptions there are, what fears there are, what falsehoods people believe.

- Talk to experts: climatologists, entomologists, financial market experts, marine and wildlife, biologists, agricultural sciences types. Find out what effects are being seen right now, get the data from all the fields, get video interviews with them saying who they are - what they do - what they see happening - why it concerns them - if the changes continue what are the probable outcomes in the next 5/10/15 years. Start a campaign, edit this stuff, and start putting it on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram as short clips.

You do this to build awareness. You create plenty of resources that people can use to educate themselves, and you drive interest by raising awareness. The only way we are EVER going to tackle climate change, other than just struggling to adapt to the changes, is by educating people and getting them personally interested.

Go ask 50 random people you know "So, what do you think about global warming", you're probably going to be surprised when several flat out think it's made up and others are along the lines of "I don't know, it might be true, but I can't do anything about it".

We're not going to make changes by paying to protect the Amazon rainforest. We're going to make changes by convincing people they really don't need to take their 4th international vacation in as many years, nor do they need their 3rd iPhone in 5 years, that their year and a half old MacBook is perfectly fine. They don't need the newest model just because it now has ultra holographic flurm instead of super holographic flurm because all they do is watch YouTube and write emails with the damn thing.

People can make small changes that add up to significant changes when you get widespread adoption.

People will illegally harvest lumber as long as there are trees, there are people literally stealing entire BEACHES, lumber (especially exotic hardwoods) sell for way more money than sand. But what if we can convince people to make some small changes:

  • Do you like meat? Eat chicken instead of beef, it is an order of magnitude better per pound of meat as far as greenhouse gas emissions, not to mention land use

  • 71F is a wonderful temperature for that AC, but is 72F so bad?

  • So, you want to fly a bunch of founders out to the Bay Area for in-person interviews for your tech accelerator batch? Seriously, can't you use skype? Sure it's slightly annoying with the delay, but it'll save a couple of tons of CO2 per person.

  • You live alone, do you need four lights on in the kitchen and your bedroom when you've been in the living room for the past six hours? And why is your tv and soundbar on, you've had headphones on listening to classical music while you stare at your laptop screen playing GorkaMorka 27 or trying to finish some code.

You have to educate the masses if you want to make a change. Just because you, or I, or that guy over there recognize climate change at varying levels, does NOT mean that the majority of people do.

And you know what happens when you start to get the masses interested? You actually stand a chance out getting legislation passed that can begin to put pressure on companies. Lobbyists carry a lot of weight, but if you can sway enough voters to acknowledge climate change is an issue, then you stand a much better chance of putting pressure on existing politicians, or removing them during voting cycles and installing politicians that do care and start to create a legal framework to force change. Change in community planning, change in tax incentives, change in legal requirements, make it illegal for HOAs to tell homeowners they can't have PV panels "because they hurt property values and ruin visual appeal!".

You know encouraging people to eat locally grown food, instead of eating exotic fruit like bananas and coffee and oranges, year-round that get shipped from halfway around the world will have more impact than giving 20$ a month to "protect the amazon". Yes, we should protect rainforests because of the incredible biodiversity, but ehhhh, a subscription service to wash the guilt from your conscience (not unlike the Medieval Indulgence system) is not a realistic solution, at any meaningful level anyway.

Under their current model, for every 1$ you give Wren, they pocket 20 cents and then hand 80 cents off to another organization (of their choosing) with, as far as I can tell from their site, zero information on how your money is being applied, who exactly they are giving it to, if that organization is for or non-profit and how much they are spending on overhead before actually doing something with the money, etc. Right now, there are vague mentions of stopping illegal logging, and that's it. Doesn't say what company, what organizations, what countries, how or who.

What they do document well, is their roadmap... how they want to spend your money internally, not directly to some sort of carbon sequestration efforts.

They want to:

  • make it easy to unsubscribe from Wren

  • increase site performance internationally

  • add sharing features

  • add how to change your subscription to their FAQ

  • handle declined card errors

Great, but what are you doing with the other 80% of the money someone gives you?