DALL-E 2: an oil painting of psychedelic robots

Continuing with my pschadelic robots theme I tasked OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 to generate the following query “ an oil painting of psycahdelic robots”. These computer-generated images are something I’d genuinely consider hanging on my office walls if they were real paintings.

oil painting of psychadelic robots

Created with DALL-E 2

oil painting of psychadelic robots

Created with DALL-E 2

oil painting of psychadelic robots

Created with DALL-E 2

oil painting of psychadelic robots

Created with DALL-E 2

oil painting of psychadelic robots

Created with DALL-E 2

Created with DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2: a wood carving of psychedelic robots

I’ve really come to love the wood carvings DALL-E 2 can generate with a fairly simple prompt, I also like robots and psychedelic art so… let’s see what we can generate with this query: “a wood carving of psycahdelic robots”

psychadelic robot wood carving
psychadelic robot wood carving
psychadelic robot wood carving
psychadelic robot wood carving
psychadelic robot wood carving

DALL-E 2: felt needling of psychedelic robots

Here with another needle felting query, I tried to throw DALL-E 2 a curve ball with “felt needling” and it handled it like a champ generating some great digital images from the following query “ felt needling of psycahdelic robots”

needle felting psychadelic robots
needle felting psychadelic robots
needle felting psychadelic robots
needle felting psychadelic robots
needle felting psychadelic robots
needle felting psychadelic robots