Top 10 things I want to see in the 2017 Star Trek series

So the other day we learned that the new Star Trek series premiers in January 2017 and this really really excites me. You see, I've spent the past few weeks re-watching Star Trek: Enterprise via Amazon Prime on my Fire TV

So I got to thinking yesterday on what I'd like to see in this 2017 series.

  1. Sensible uniforms, I really liked the overalls in enterprise and PLEASE no female aliens in stupid stuff like T'Pol and Deanna Troi! Just have everyone in the same uniform.
  2. NO BORG.
  3. I'd like to see a few episodes where the Q Continuum interacts but keeps their abilities unknown to the crew. Hopefully much nicer to humans than John de Lancie's Q.
  4. For the love of God can we get shuttle craft that isn't hideous? 
  5. We now have tablets and smart phones,  I'd like to see more wearables in this series since wearables are still fairly simple for us. Sure I have an Apple Watch but it's by no means a stand alone device and honestly is nothing more than a convenience when your hands are engaged in other tasks. 
  7. Less inter-species 'hooking up' and no hybrid children, it's just not biologically realistic without some serious genetic engineering.
  8. Less crew deaths, ideally none. Ever. 
  9. No stupid worlds like 'renaissance world' 'Greco-Roman world' etc. Come on guys, this isn't TOS anymore, and this isn't Sliders and this isn't the Stargate franchise
  10. A lot more investigation, and CGI of, interesting/beautiful space-stuff. Stars, planets, moons, looking at dust clouds/star nurseries/nebula "we're going to planet so and so for such and such, while we are there let's use the optical sensors to check out that other such and such while our delegates/crew/whatever are on the planet doing their business"
Starship Enterprise

Electric Humans, EMI, SLIders

May 11th's coast to coast, electric humans... (first hour)

William Beaty was the guest, his site is at

So when I drive by street lamps they frequently turn off, kill battery powered watches, cause frequent static shocks to people I touch... turns out I'm not alone.

My reports are false, self-noticed, a former co-worker would usually be behind me on the way to work and would see the lights going out as I came close and would comment on it. Funny thing is, when lights go out near me I usually touch the center of my forehead and say 'you honor me'. Interesting.

I don't have issues working on/with computers (I've been an electronics hobbyist since I was about 5) or using smartphones etc.

I do have issues with ATM's, self-checkout registers, self-service ticket purchasing kiosks, faucet sensors, the motion sensors at work that unlock the doors when exiting, incandescent and CFL lightbulbs in close proximity to me for extend periods have far shorter lifespans (weeks not months), etc.

I regularly shock myself getting in vehicles, I regularly shock people when I go to shake their hand or come in close contact, I had a pinbal machine in highschool I could generate painful large blue sparks between me and the metal on the front of the machine but my friends could not reproduce the same effect, I usually generate sparks in mechanical switches...


One incident that really sticks out in my mind was about 9 years ago, I'd come home from work feeling asolutely awful. I got in bed around 7am and started watching Murphy Brown on a tube television that was only a year or so old. I'm running a fever drifting in and out and dream that a bright white light flooded my room initiating ont he wall the tv was on, I wake up and have a drink of water and start watching tv again, before I've been a wake a full minute the tube in my tv decompresses (classic crack sound with the hiss of the vacuum filling) and a bright white flash goes across the screen.