The Templar Code For Dummies

The Templar Code For DummiesThe Templar Code For Dummies by Christopher Hodapp
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While this will be brief, as I don't want to go into vast detail as to what is int he book... I will say that Hodapp delivers yet again. I'd also recommend you check out his titles Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies, Templar Code For Dummies, and Freemasons for Dummies if either of those subjects interest you. I highly recommend all of these titles as he really comes through as does Alice Von Kannon in the case for this title, Templar Code, and Conspiracy Theories.

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Seize the Day Job: The humor book al-Qaeda almost kept you from reading

Seize the Day Job: The humor book al-Qaeda almost kept you from readingSeize the Day Job: The humor book al-Qaeda almost kept you from reading by Carl Kozlowski
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Carl Kozlowski is awesome. He is hilarious. This book testifies to this fact. I bought a copy, why don't you!

(yeah ok, so sue me not the best review but I never claimed I was good at reviewing stuff, just check the book out and if you hate it... well, then you and I don't find the same things funny)

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Always Talk to Strangers: 3 Simple Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life

Always Talk to Strangers: 3 Simple Steps to Finding the Love of Your LifeAlways Talk to Strangers: 3 Simple Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life by David Wygant
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

So apparently to be a real man... I'm supposed to have a wardrobe that costs my yearly income, not have facial hair, run off to the nail salon every few weeks etc... was recommended this book by someone and it was a complete waste of my time and money. Great if you are some six-figure earning metro-male, but for the every-man... worthless

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Faith Among Shadows

Faith Among ShadowsFaith Among Shadows by Malcolm Leal
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I heard about this book I figured it would be an inspirational story about this man's journey to the LDS church... well it is, but it focuses on the journey. It reads like a spy novel, giving account after account of missions with flashes back to his grandmother while he was growing up and wisdom she learned from the Bible.

If you are LDS, it might not be for you... he sees some 'crazy brain-washed' Elders through a sniper rifle scope, then you don't hear about the LDS church again until the very end of the book and then it's just a brief mention with a few pages of testimony to end the book.

Great read either way!

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Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told

Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been ToldShocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told by Joe Kovacs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

While this text is quite informative for those that haven't read the bible cover to cover... it is pretty lacking on anything 'shocking', 'astounding', or 'facts you've never been told'.

Would make a great gift though for young-adults to spark an interest in the bible, or anyone for that matter. Would also be a great gift for people that make a lot of assumptions and assume things in movies and Christmas songs MUST be in the bible... might open their eyes. However, for anyone with at least an elementary understanding of the contents of the books in the Bible, won't bring much new to the table.

Joe Kovacs did a great job writing the text however, and even if you consider yourself an armchair expert (or an actual expert) on the Bible, it will still prove to be an entertaining read.

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Alibi Jones: Vacation (The Adventures of Alibi Jones)

Alibi Jones: VacationAlibi Jones: Vacation by Mike Luoma
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I first discovered Mike's writing with the Vatican Assassin books way before Charlie Sheen tried to claim HE was the Vatican Assassin. I immediately fell in love with the books and have been telling everyone I know about them ever since. After that series he continued on with Alibi Jones, another great read (or listen).

After Alibi Jones there was a void, I didn't have anything from Mike to read or hear. Enter this short. A great little spacer short to compliment his full-length spacer novels. I can't say much about this novel without including spoilers so I'll just say if you want a great (and cheap) spacer novel/taste of Mike's work go ahead and give this a read, you'll love it! Once you are satisfied with this purchase, go and check out his other books!

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Vatican Assassin

Vatican Assassin (Vatican Assassin Trilogy #1)Vatican Assassin by Mike Luoma
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alright first let me ask a question. Do you like Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Robinson, Niven, Hamilton? If you like any or all of those authors and their works, you'll like this series too. A great spacer trilogy that gives you a little of everything you'd want and at times makes you wonder if you are reading some lost work by Clarke, Asimov, or Heinlein but at the same time having a distinct flair that is Mike Luoma. Check this trilogy out, then read past it in the same world with the Alibi Jones stories.

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Empire of the Gods

Empire of the GodsEmpire of the Gods by David Stag
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An absolutely great book. As a previous reviewer said, this book is wonderful for a first time author. One can tell that a great deal of passion went into crafting this story, you truly can tell Stag appreciates good sci-fi and wanted to make his mark on the genre.

Upon first reading about the book I was hoping to be in for something along the lines of Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Peter F. Hamilton... something good that I could really get into and find myself falling for the characters. Well, this book did just that... Linus is a character that almost anyone could relate to, he's a scared young man in an overwhelming situation.

I don't particularly want to go into any details as I'm not a fan of spoilers, be they unintentional or not so just take my word for it and read this if you like any of the authors I previously mentioned. I truly hope this author continues to write as I want to see far more from his mind.

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How to Script for Games

How to script for gamesHow to script for games by Brent Knowles
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The last games I ever coded for were circle MUDs, heavily modified circle MUDs... in fact I designed a custom language system for one and built 10k+ unique rooms in some custom zones... wow, games today were always boggling to me. Grabbed this title, gave it a read... I'm not as intimidated by modern gaming now and think I might have to give coding a 'modern' game just for fun! Pick this title up!!!

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