Thank you Speedway and Howell Contractors of Kentucky
Thank you Town of Speedway and Howell Contractors Inc of Kentucky, due to your piss poor planning I can park no where remotely near my house. I live on 12th... you have 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, Ford tore up 4 Alleys that are unusable due to their barely 1 lane width nature. You have construction crews parked on our deeded property behind the house with heavy equipment and all of their construction materials, you have construction workers parked on the few close spots on Winton, and the only open spots on Allison are only useable to people already in the spots as the road isn't designed for people to turn around with cars parked on both sides as far as the eye can see, that's why it curves into 12th and has 2 exits via 12th (an Alley and Winton). Anyone feel free to add streets I've missed to this list.
For back story ->
Howell Contractors of Kentucky
First, this was placed in my mailbox, without postage, not in an envelope. THAT IS A CRIME. U.S. Postmaster General, please file charges.
This is unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. "Starting Monday June 18th, we will close 12th street from Winton Ave. to Allison Ave. Please have all vehicles out of drives and off the road by 8am on Monday. There will be no access to 12th from either Winton or from Allison." ok, then where the hell are we supposed to park. How the %^!# are we supposed to get to our houses? We are NOT parking our vehicles a quarter mile from the house!!! Is Howell Contractors Inc going to be manning litters to carry me back and forth to my house? They are telling me in a letter they put on my door today I can not access my street or driveway for the coming WEEKS.
Howell Contractors, Inc.
"The Road to Success is Always Under Construtction"
Paul Bricking, Vice President.
980 Helen Ruth Drive, Fort Wright, Kentucky 41017
Phone 859-331-5457 Fax 859-331-6768