Indiana: Senate Votes Unanimously to Pass Charity Gaming Legislation Crucial to Friends of NRA Events!

Yesterday, the Indiana Senate voted unanimously to pass Senate Bill 315, authored by state Senator Randy Head (R-18).  Following the vote, this bill was sent to the state House.  SB 315 will streamline the licensing and reporting process for charity gaming events, such as Friends of NRA banquets, by:

1.  Establishing one comprehensive charity gaming license for national organizations and foundations for use by their local affiliates;

2.  Removing the current six to nine week application process and requiring in its place a 21-day notification to the Indiana Gaming Commission prior to an event; and

3.  Allowing qualified organizations and foundations to "police their own" by removing requirements to turn over volunteers' personal information to the Indiana Gaming Commission.

These policy changes would greatly improve the ability of Friends of NRA committees to comply with Indiana charitable gaming laws in a timely and less cumbersome fashion, while protecting the personal information of Friends of NRA volunteers.

As many NRA members well know, Friends of NRA banquets play a critical role in raising grant money to support education, safety, and training programs in communities across the Hoosier State, such as the Boy Scouts, 4H clubs, and local law enforcement groups. Unfortunately, some Friends of NRA chapters had difficulties holding banquets in 2011, which resulted in a net loss of approximately $100,000 in money that cannot be used for these Indiana groups.

Your NRA will keep you updated on the status of SB 315 as it moves through the House.

Please remember to send a note of thanks to Senator Randy Head for authoring this important bill, and to thank your senator for his or her support!

To contact Senator Randy Head, please click here.


Contact information for your senator can be found by clicking here.

Silencers for hunting one step closer in Indiana

Indiana: NRA-Backed Pro-Hunting Legislation Passes Committee and Goes to the Senate Floor!

Please Contact Your State Senator Today!


Today, NRA-backed Senate Bill 243 passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 7 to 1 vote!  This bill will now head to the full Senate for a floor vote.  SB 243, authored by state Senators Ron Grooms (R-46), Travis Holdman (R-19) and John Waterman (R-39), would allow Hoosiers to use lawfully-possessed suppressors (also referred to as silencers) on firearms for hunting.  Currently, Indiana law permits use of suppressors for all shooting activities except for the taking of game. Enactment of SB 243 would ensure that hunting is treated the same way as other shooting activities with respect to the use of suppressors, and allow hunters to reap the many benefits suppressor use provides.

In order to acquire a suppressor, a purchaser must submit the appropriate paperwork to the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives where long wait times for approval are unfortunately common (4-6 months), undergo a background check by the FBI, find a licensed dealer authorized to conduct the transaction and pay a one-time $200 tax for each device. While suppressors do not eliminate the sound of a firearm, they do reduce the muzzle report in a manner similar to the way that a muffler reduces exhaust noise from a vehicle.  The benefits associated with suppressor use include increased accuracy due to reduced recoil and muzzle blast, protection from hearing damage and reduced noise pollution. 

Noise complaints are being used more frequently as an excuse to close shooting ranges, informal shooting areas, and hunting lands throughout the country.  Increased use of suppressors will help to eliminate many of these complaints and protect hunting and shooting areas well into the future.  For more information on firearms and suppressors, click here.

Please call AND e-mail your state Senator and respectfully urge him or her to support SB 243!  To reach the senators by phone, please call (317) 232-9400.  Senate contact information can be found here.

UFO over Mooresville, IN November 6, 2010

Latest UFO sightings - New footage of 2 (or maybe more) unknown linked lights or objects hovering in the sky over Mooresville, Indiana. This video was taken on Saturday, 6th November 2010

Witness report: we were driving home from the gas satation and my grandfather noticed a group of lights in the sky that appeared still. i got my phone out and took a video as it got closer. it then appeared to be three lights in the shape of a triangle.